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This page provides brief definitions and links to more information of terms that are used in the API Gateway documentation.


A REST interface that makes it easy for one application to consume capabilities or data from another application. By defining stable, simple, and well-documented entry points, APIs enable developers to easily access and reuse application logic built by other developers. API config


X-WSSE Token Authentication can be used to authenticate backend-to-backend integrations using client_id and client_secret properties. The main benefit of this type of authentication is that the client_secret value never leaves the backend of the integrating client, and that each token, even if lost, is only valid for 5 minutes.

OpenAPI document

A file in either YAML or JSON format that you use to describe your API. This file is also referred to as an API definition. When uploaded to API Gateway, the OpenAPI document is converted to an API config. Surface The public interface of an API. An API's surface consists of the methods as well as the parameters and return types used in the methods.

Special characters

When sending data to our API, you may notice that certain characters are forbidden for security purpose. Those characters are forbidden in route parameters, optional (query) parameters and JSON bodies.

The following characters are not allowed in input fields:

<Open Chevron
>Close Chevron
?Question Mark